Thursday, 13 September 2007

Might have accommodation maybe....?!?

Well I finally got an e-mail back from my responsable, after e-mailling her twice in the past week! The 1st thing she said was in English...Don't Worry! So I am putting complete faith in her, that she will find accommodation for me...she said she was looking, and that I might be able to live at the collage... but only during the week...well that's not very helpful! I would actually like to have somewhere more permanent if possible!!! I hope she can find somewhere soon!!

I've also now got my NUS Extra card, which seemed a great idea to get at the time, cos it also included the ISIC, and it seemed from the NUS website that it was the only way to get the ISIC, I then found out after I ordered it, that I could have actually got the ISIC direct from the ISIC website for £1 cheaper! The Nus extra card has ISIC written on it, but it looks different, I just hope they accept it in France, or else that will be a waste of £10!

The British council also have kindly sent me another copy of the instructions for how to translate my birth certificate (the original was in my suitcase!) so now I can do that. I'm gonna scan all the important documents and save them on my laptop, so that way I'll always have a copy!

The main thing I need to do now is pack!!! Hmmm trying to fit 7 months worth of stuff in 3 fun!!!!

Only 11 days to go!!! AHHHH!!!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was an assistant last year. Just wanted to say good luck!