Friday, 28 September 2007

My 1st week in France - Monday

I'm not sure how long I can be on this computer, am hoping to go have some lunch soon, so this will be part 1 of my 1st week in France, I'll add more when I can.

I'll go through day by day, so it doesn't get too confusing.

Monday 24th September

It was raining, and I was all ready to go with my suitcases packed. I had 3 and Mum and Dad had 1, Dad then thought that we might not be able to get on the Eurostar with all the cases, and so wanted me to leave one behind. After opening once case and deciding that no, there wasn't anything I could possibly leave behind and so we would have to take all 4 cases.

After saying goodbye to Natasha and Nan we drove to Ashford station. Due to a mixup with the train times, I thought that the Eurostar train was leaving at 10.23 and so we would need to be there by 9:50 in order to check in, therfore I had a bit of a panic sunday night when I realised that the train we had planned to get from Ashford, (9:11) wouldn't get us there in time and so we needed to get the 8:41 train, which ment us leaving by 7:45, so that we could drive to the station, unload the car, and then Mum could drive home, and walk back again. I've never been to Ashford station that early in the morning, it was very cold, very wet and very busy, And we had to wait in the rain for over 1/2 hour. Mum came back about 8:20 looking surprisingly dry for someone who'd walked, But she'd got a lift, which was good cos she probably wouldn't have made in otherwise.

So anyway we got on the train and went to Waterloo. We went to the check in and Dad gave me the tickets. It was then that I saw that the train was actually leaving at 10:43 and so we could have got the later train... grrr! We had about 1 hours wait so we got something to eat and drink, before bording the train. It was then that we realised that none of our seats were together, Luckily Dad and I managed to swap arround and sit togther but Mum was a few rows in front.

It was a relativly simple journey execpt I managed to pour hot chocolate down my new white top, so I have to wash that at some point!

After 1hour 40 mins we arrived in Lille, France.....


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