Well it's now Sunday, The trains are still on strike, so I haven't be able to go anywhere. I was invited to go out to dinner with the other assistants in
Valenciennes last night,
unfortunately I couldn't get there, and so was stuck here instead.
OK, I'll warn you now, this is going to be a bit of a
moany post. I'm just
sooo bored, I actually don't know what I doing here. This isn't exactly the great 'Adventure' I imagined it would be, it just almost like I'm stuck here, waiting
until May when I can go home again. I read the other assistants blogs, and they've all be having a great time, travelling, seeing new places etc. I have been to three new places in France since I've been here, Lille,
Valenciennes and
That's it, I haven't done any travelling, and visited lots of new and exciting places or anything.
Even in the schools I really have no idea what I am doing there. Take this week for example,
Normally I prefer working in
Ecole Stievenart, but when I arrived on Monday afternoon, the teacher explained, that as the children were making something for the
Christmas market in a few weeks, They wouldn't be doing as much English. Great!!! This meant that I spent the whole of Monday afternoon sitting at the back of the class doing nothing. I'm not even too sure what they were
making, so I couldn't help or anything. The only thing that stopped me going
completely bored, was that I could listen to the French, and watch the children. I the had Tuesday and Wednesday off, and I was stuck here.
I went into school on Thursday, early, armed with my books, and my play, with the intention of sitting down and talking to the teacher about what I could do. Well firstly the teacher wasn't there, she came in about 10 minutes later, with her daughter, who goes to the nursery school, so she was sorting her out, I managed to quickly show her the books, but she said she thought 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' might be too difficult for the children to understand. Then she went to take her daughter to the Nursery. I hadn't had a chance to show her the play, and at that moment I didn't really see the point. When she came back, I spoke to her again about the Bear Hunt story explaining that I didn't really think it would be too
difficult, cos it's mostly
repeating. She had another look, and agreed that maybe it would be
OK. I then showed her the 'Jesus'
Christmas Party' Story, I wasn't sure if she'd agree with it, but she had a look, and took a copy of it. I'm not sure if we can do it as a play, but maybe I can get some of the children to act it out
whilst I read it. Mum has sent me the actual book, so I can use that too. I didn't really get much of a chance to talk to her though, because then it was the end of lunch break and the children were coming back. So I resumed my position at the back of the class just watching.
I did however go into one
English lesson, but I didn't do anything. At one point the teacher was explaining about Bonfire Night, and I had the chance to jump up and show the children my pictures quickly. But that was it. After I sat down and went back to doing nothing. At the end of the day the teacher explained, that they wouldn't be doing any English on Friday, because the class were going to the library. On Friday morning, I wasn't feeling very well, in fact I was sick a few times. I really didn't feel up to going into the school, and after I
remembered that they weren't actually going to be doing any English anyway, I really didn't see the point. I sent an e-mail to the school, saying I was sorry, but I was sick and wouldn't be coming in, and went back to bed!!
On Saturday, I was feeling slightly better, but I was also feeling a bit guilty for not going in the day before, so I made sure I got up and was in school by 8:30am! In all honesty there was actually no point to me being there at all. I spent the 1st 2 hours sitting at the back of the class, doing
absolutely nothing, and then at 10:40 the teacher said we were going to go into another class to do an English lesson. I walked into the class, said 'Good Morning' to the children, and sat down. Half an hour later, I stood up, said 'Goodbye' and walked out again.
The worst thing is, I really don't know how to change this, I don't know what else I can say or do, I don't see how I can be of any use, when I don't know what is going on. I don't have anytime to actually talk to the teachers about it, I might possibly see the teachers for about 10-15
mins before the afternoon lessons start, but that it, and most of the time, they are using that time to planned lessons themselves. They don't really need me to come
hassling them.
I'm in
Ecole Joilot Currie this week. I have a few ideas about Christmas, which I want to talk the teachers about, but I still have no idea what else they are doing. So I guess
I'm going to spend more time sitting at the back of the classroom, doing nothing....oh joy!!!
The only bright spark on the horizon is that Mum and her friend, are coming out to visit next weekend. They are coming in the car, so they can bring over some Christmas things for me to show the children. On Saturday we are going to go to the Christmas Market in Lille. I can't wait, not least because it
means I will finally be getting out of the town!! On Sunday, we can go anywhere I want, before they drive home again...I haven't actually got any ideas....but anywhere outside of this town will be great!!!
OK I just re-read this post, and it sounds as if I am really unhappy here.
That's not totally true, I am not unhappy....I'm just not that happy!!!
OK positive thinking, I'm sure it will get better soon!!!
More later!!